Historic Cho Oyu Summiters Get Felicitated
June 10, 2024

French climber Alasdair Mckenzie and six veteran Nepali Sherpas, who made history by successfully summiting Cho Oyu from the Nepalese side, were honored today upon their arrival in Kathmandu.

The Department of Tourism (DoT), Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA), and Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), jointly hosted an official function to felicitate all members of this historic team. Alasdair, Gelje Sherpa, Chhangba Sherpa, Tenging Gyaljen Sherpa, Lakpa Temba Sherpa, Lakpa Tenji Sherpa and Ngima Ongda Sherpa achieved the remarkable feat of being the first individuals to successfully summit the Cho Oyu from the Nepalese side since 2009, on the morning of 8th June 2024.

In 2009 , Denis Urubko and Boris Dedeshko reached the summit of Cho Oyu via the South Face route. No successful summit had been recorded since then. Although first climbed in 1954 by Dr. Berbert Tichy, Sepp Joechler, and Pasang Dawa Sherpa, Cho Oyu’s easiest route lies on the Tibet side.

However, Mr. Mingma Sherpa, the organizer of this expedition, asserted that this is the first team to have successfully reached the summit of Mount Cho Oyu via this route. 

Mr. Gelje Sherpa, head of the rope-fixing team, described this expedition as historic, emphasizing the new opportunities it will provide for climbers to summit Mount Cho Oyu from the Nepalese side.

“It was unfortunate that we had to acquire a visa and travel through Tibet just to climb our own mountain. Now, with a new route opened up, climbers from the Nepalese side will have more opportunities, and this will also contribute to the country’s foreign currency earnings,” he shared. “As a Nepali mountaineer, this accomplishment brings us lifelong joy.”

Mr. Rudra Prasad Pandit, Director General of DoT, Along with Mr. Thakur Raj Pandey, Senior Vice President of the NMA, Mr. Ram Prasad Sapkota, Vice President of the NTB, jointly honored the record-holding climbers with khada, Nepali topi (cap), and the certificate of successful summit. They also extended their appreciation to Mr. Mingma Sherpa, advisor of the NMA and chairman of the Seven summit, for leading the team.

Congratulating the climbers, Mr. Pandit shared that the Government has been actively working for the betterment of mountaineers. “As committed by the Rt. Honorable Prime Minister and Honorable Tourism Minister during the 71st Mount Everest Day celebration, we are dedicated to establishing a welfare fund for mountaineers”, Mr. Pandit stated, “We are also planning several other initiatives to support mountaineers.”

Senior Vice President of NMA, Mr. Pandey, and Vice Chairman of NTB Mr. Sapkota, both emphasized the importance of establishing a welfare fund for mountaineers.


  • Nepal Mountaineering Association NMA Cho Oyu Summit from Nepalese Side Historic Cho Oyu Summit